Thursday, May 31, 2007


I have been reading too much Harold Pinter

I decided to change the publicity shot on my home page, the photo of me in my pants had caused a noted drop in visitors.

I am going to try and keep this blog more up to date in the run up to the final show. It started out as a diary of my live shows, but I haven’t actually performed very much over the last few months. I have mostly been studying.

Recently I have been trying to write an essay on ‘The Jokes of Harold Pinter’… they aren’t very funny.

I have been concerned by the ominous turn on my recent artistic output. This has included: An attempt to deal with apathy towards the post 9/11 nuclear threat with some jokes about doing the washing up; A song about depression, suicide and riding donkeys; and most recently a bleak post apocalyptic drama set in my local Tescos.

My work just isn’t that funny anymore. Does that mean the last two years at Goldsmiths has made me worse? Has it only made me a more miserable and wretched artist? Where does that leave me?

I decided last week to try and write some new jokes in an attempt to liven things up. But they weren’t very funny. I noted from watching television that even when jokes are not funny, you can make people think that they are If you dub on some sound effects of a laughing audience. I have been considering taking my own pre-recorded laughter to gig so I can play it even if the jokes are not that funny. Maybe this isn’t standard practice on the stand-up comedy circuit but I thought it might be worth a try.


I think you should dub up a heckle track, so that fake people are heckling you.

I don't think you need to shock anyone with your art, your comedy is usually genuinely funny (it always makes me laugh).

Maybe you need more props. I get a real kick out of those guys with the flipchart and megaphone who want to tell you about Jesus or Allah and don't actually have any knowledge of the subject. You should pick something you believe in, like natural selection or the big bang theory and make a really unconvincing argument for it.

I'm planning on doing some performance art based on my experience of being a foreign language teacher when I get back. I've got some excellent material already, just have to try to remember it.

Anyway, good luck! I'll be rooting for you! (p.s. I can't make it to the show, maybe we could set up some kind of live from Korea video link, I'd love to see how the show goes).
I think you should dub up a heckle track, so that fake people are heckling you.

I don't think you need to shock anyone with your art, your comedy is usually genuinely funny (it always makes me laugh).

Maybe you need more props. I get a real kick out of those guys with the flipchart and megaphone who want to tell you about Jesus or Allah and don't actually have any knowledge of the subject. You should pick something you believe in, like natural selection or the big bang theory and make a really unconvincing argument for it.

I'm planning on doing some performance art based on my experience of being a foreign language teacher when I get back. I've got some excellent material already, just have to try to remember it.

Anyway, good luck! I'll be rooting for you! (p.s. I can't make it to the show, maybe we could set up some kind of live from Korea video link, I'd love to see how the show goes).
I think you should dub up a heckle track, so that fake people are heckling you.

I don't think you need to shock anyone with your art, your comedy is usually genuinely funny (it always makes me laugh).

Maybe you need more props. I get a real kick out of those guys with the flipchart and megaphone who want to tell you about Jesus or Allah and don't actually have any knowledge of the subject. You should pick something you believe in, like natural selection or the big bang theory and make a really unconvincing argument for it.

I'm planning on doing some performance art based on my experience of being a foreign language teacher when I get back. I've got some excellent material already, just have to try to remember it.

Anyway, good luck! I'll be rooting for you! (p.s. I can't make it to the show, maybe we could set up some kind of live from Korea video link, I'd love to see how the show goes).
I think you should dub up a heckle track, so that fake people are heckling you.

I don't think you need to shock anyone with your art, your comedy is usually genuinely funny (it always makes me laugh).

Maybe you need more props. I get a real kick out of those guys with the flipchart and megaphone who want to tell you about Jesus or Allah and don't actually have any knowledge of the subject. You should pick something you believe in, like natural selection or the big bang theory and make a really unconvincing argument for it.

I'm planning on doing some performance art based on my experience of being a foreign language teacher when I get back. I've got some excellent material already, just have to try to remember it.

Anyway, good luck! I'll be rooting for you! (p.s. I can't make it to the show, maybe we could set up some kind of live from Korea video link, I'd love to see how the show goes).
How about a pre recorded hecle track. with people shouting "get off, go home, you suck" that sort of thing...

Don't worry Frog I still think you are great, I'm sure the show will be very funny.
Oh F**k I thought that all my comments were not posting, but it looks like they were just waiting for approval.

My computer is Korean and some web pages pick up on that and give me a Korean interface (this being one of them). I couldn't tell why my posts weren't showing up because I couldn't understand the interface.

Oh well, good luck with the show, I'll be crossing my fingers for you.
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