Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Badger Broadcasting Corporation

The bad dreams have been continuing. This week I had a nightmare that I had to smuggle stolen nuclear warheads across the dessert and I wasn’t very good at it because an Art School education doesn’t really prepare you for that kind of work.

As you can see below I have been making some new video. The quality of this version is a bit poor but it is ok for the web. I reshot it for a new DVD I have provisional titled “Neil Young, where did it all go wrong?” and contains 2 other similar works. I am not quite sure if I am pleased with it as it but I am going to show it to a few people before I decide to throw it in the bin. I think maybe they are a little too dry and miserable, but I have to be sometimes so as people don't start thinking I am just a comdian.

However, to compensate for being miserable I have also made a much more fun flash animation which you can view on

In other news...
My mother who is an avid listener to BBC Radio 4 and Radio 7 had heard an appeal for people to send in their ideas for new comedy shows for Radio 7. I expected they wanted a script for a show which I didn’t really have, but I decided to have a quick look at the website one lunchtime and discovered that they just wanted a sound clip and I had loads of recording of my poems. I sent one in along with a brief proposal I wrote while I finished my sandwiches. I didn’t expect to get very far.

I have sent work to the BBC in the past and never had much luck. The BBC are an old public institution and they can be quite bureaucratic at times. If you had an idea for a new kind of show they haven’t done before they usually wouldn’t consider it because there wasn’t an established department to deal with it. There certainly wasn’t a department for performance art about badgers. Most of the people who did get new things done at the BBC had spent years working out how to get through the system. I had considered doing this at one point, then I decided I’d go to art school where I can do whatever I want without having to loose the best years of my life writing jokes for Alistair McGowan’s Big Impression.

...But I have nolonger need to be bitter about the rejection letters from BBC. This week I got a big A4 envelop from the BBC and I have had enough rejection letters to know that nobody wastes the big envelopes on rejection letters.

The BBC heard my poem and liked it and want to meet me in December to talk about my script. If they like it, they might possibly commission as a pilot. I better get writing…

Comments: hehe... same shit.
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